Another cold one on LBI. Got some nice shots of a wooden pier I found in Beach Haven. Yeah, I’m sure it is old news to Beach Haven goers, but I spend most of my time on the beach in Harvey Cedars and while I like a walk on the beach, I’ve never quite walked from Harvey Cedars to Beach Haven.
In addition to this month’s photo shoot, I now also offer all the photos on my website in Black and White versions.
Oh, and the coolest thing that happened this month? I saw the Barnegat Lighthouse lit and functioning as a true nautical beacon. I have to say, I wasn’t as wowed as I thought I’d be. I was expecting a beam of light to shoot out the side. When you are standing there, freezing, below the old girl, it’s lit, but it really doesn’t seem like the light would carry that much.
But it does.
Look for it as you cross the causeway(as long as you are not driving) and you’ll definitely see it. I’m guessing the real beam is only visible at an angle that isn’t directly below the lighthouse.
Oh, and just to make this the longest entry ever. I got the December photos up including some of the lighthouse with SNOW. Yes, a dusting of the white, powdery stuff. Very hard to capture when the air is riddled with salt.